Filter CategoriesAllCode DocumentationKnowledge AssetsProduct Management Product Vision anemptytextlline MOOVE orchestrates people transport for the Enterprise. MOOVEÂ is an over-the-top B2B platform that delivers safe... Getting Ready for MOOVE? anemptytextlline This document explains the process of preparing a customer to deploy the MOOVE Platform. This... Moove Platform Overview anemptytextlline MOOVE orchestrates people transport for the Enterprise. MOOVE is an over-the-top B2B platform that delivers safe... Auto Clustering Service anemptytextlline This service enables MOOVE to create pools of geo-similar riders. It is written in Google's... MOOVE Rider App on iOS anemptytextlline Moove Rider App is available as an Addroid and iOs App. This post documents the... Rider Journey Map anemptytextlline This is the Journey Map of a MOOVE Rider, describing the Rider's journey from A... Documenting Ruby on Rails anemptytextlline YARD is a documentation generation tool for Ruby to generate consistent, usable documentation for custom... ROR APIs for WebApp anemptytextlline MOOVE Platform consists of Mobile Applications for Driver and Employees and Web Applications for Operators... Moove Analytics Service anemptytextlline MOOVE Analytics Service provides a dashboard to enable operators to perform role-based actions. All administrative... What is a Journey Map? anemptytextlline Mapping of desired Outcomes has been a central design construct for MOOVE and we often... Site Configuration anemptytextlline Moove is an Over-the-top platform to orchestrate mobility as a service. It can be deployed... Billing and Invoicing anemptytextlline One of the critical pieces of data that MOOVE captures in real time is the... Operations Reference anemptytextlline Once Moove is deployed and the outcomes are proven at a site, the Professional Services... What is Provisioning? anemptytextlline Provisioning is a process of adding a new resource into the system. The resource could... Product Backlog anemptytextlline We used Agile / Scrum methodology to develop the MOOVE Platform. Product Backlog is simply a... Go with Go anemptytextlline We did an MVP of MOOVE on Ruby on Rails. As we proved outcomes and... Driver Journey Map anemptytextlline The journey map provides all these use cases as a cheat-sheet and can generate the... Map Matching anemptytextlline Accurate estimation of Rider and Driver Location is a crucial requirement for reliable fulfillment of... Monitoring Trips anemptytextlline MOOVE enables the Operator to create Manifest manually or using auto-clustering. Once a Manifest is... Trips and Manifest anemptytextlline A Trip is a digital representation of a paper trip sheet to represent a request... Computing Accurate Distances anemptytextlline Accurate estimation of Locations is a crucial requirement not only for reliable fulfillment of... Test Automation anemptytextlline Test automation enables tracking and managing of testing needs, to cover all the moving parts.... DateDate